Kihei Shores
Maui, Hawaii
The AOAO carries insurance to protect the property, AOAO, BOD, & Employees through John H. Connors Insurance, working with our agent Carol A. Daubert, CISR, Account Executive. While our comprehensive policy covers many aspects of our operations, it will not cover damages to condo interiors beyond original construction elements. As of January 2013 all Owners are required to carry their own home owner's policy in addition to the AOAO Insurance , referred to as an HO6 policy, to cover your investment.
Policies are relatively inexpensive and can protect your investment and your wallet against unforeseen damages.
You can view a copy of the Association's current Insurance here: Kihei Shores 2024-2025 Insurance Summary
Providing Proof of Home Owner Insurance
Resolution Requiring Home Owner Insurance - Updated March 2024
Effective January 1, 2013 all owners are required to provide proof of home owner insurance covering their condo(s) at Kihei Shores. In November 2012 Kihei Shores owners voted in favor of requiring home owners to carry their own, additional Home Owner insurance. Most owners felt that the benefits far outweigh the minimal cost of such a policy, and the protection it provides to all of our owners is well worth it. Please feel free to contact Kihei Shores Management if you have any questions or need further information on this important topic.
Each home owner should send a copy of their HO6 insurance coverage to Matthew Gonzales: mgonzales@connorsmaui.com